Home Events Dec. 9 | Denver Metro Meeting and Colorado Christmas Social!

Dec. 9 | Denver Metro Meeting and Colorado Christmas Social!

Join us December 9th for special guest Dr. Brian Ray of National Home Education Research Institute and our Colorado Christmas Social!

We are asking our members and guests to please bring nonperishable food items to bless The Rock Church’s food pantry! We will also be collecting a love offering for the church, as well as for our special guest this week.

We would like to invite all Colorado members to attend our Denver Metro Chapter Meeting and Colorado Christmas Social. The Pikes Peak Chapter Meeting has been postponed due to the holidays and will reconvene in January with many exciting announcements!


Two Inciting Points in One Evening:

Why Does Freedom Thinking Lead to Homeschooling? and, Why Should We Care About the Intersection of Educational Freedom and Medical Freedom?! 

Dr. Brian Ray, NHERI


When: December 9, 2021 (Thurs.) 6:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. (doors open at 5:30pm)

Where:  The Rock Church | 4881 Cherokee Drive, Castle Rock, CO  80109

When you get to the fork in the drive way, take a left. You will see the doors open.



FEC United Education Pillar, [email protected]

Dr. Brian Ray – at NHERI, [email protected] or 503-364-1490 www.nheri.org


Free Admission; and a freewill offering for the nonprofit National Home Education Research Institute will be taken up. Books, reports, & videos on sale.

Dr. Ray will offer you:

  • Key research findings on homeschool learner outcomes
  • Fun and laughs with facts and statistics
  • Why liberty lovers are drawn to homeschooling
  • Connections between educational freedom and medical freedom
  • Plenty of time for Q. and A. and discussion and even debate 


  • the curious
  • the critic
  • your friend
  • your pastor/elders
  • journalists
  • your children’s grandparents

More detail: You might not have known that statistics and research can be both engaging and fun until you hear Dr. Brian Ray explicate 40 years of studies on homeschooling. Put on your seat belts as he covers the academic achievement, socialization, and success (or not) into adulthood of the home educated. And, philosophically, why might the liberty lover be magnetically drawn to the freedom space called homeschooling?

Now, if that’s not enough, have you been seeing any connection to freedom in how your children are taught, trained, and indoctrinated – whether by public/government schools, private schools, or homeschooling – and all the hubbub and coercion related to your own and your children’s medical choices and freedom? If the jurisdiction of the family is encroached upon regarding government mandates about health (e.g., masks, vaccines, freedom to associate, right to buy and sell), does this not also weaken the strong line between the State/government and the family regarding a child’s mind and heart? The answer is yes, and Dr. Ray will give you facts, figures, and philosophy to challenge and bolster you. And he will offer concrete steps to more freedom for all Americans.

And be sure to stay for the Q and A! Dr. Ray loves compliments, strong disagreements, and polite challenges. It’ll be good.

Dr. Ray will bring solid books and reports on homeschooling and child training for sale.

Dr. Dr. Brian D. Ray is president of the National Home Education Research Institute (www.nheri.org) and internationally known for his educational research that focuses on homeschooling (home education, home-based education). He has published many peer-reviewed articles, books, and chapters in books. Dr. Ray has been interviewed extensively by major media in the USA and from other nations. He serves as an expert witness in courts and legislatures. Dr. Ray is a former professor of science and education at the undergraduate and graduate levels, teaching courses in research methods, statistics, science, education. He is also a former classroom teacher in public and private schools, and has taught homeschool students in various venues. He holds a B.S. in biology from the University of Puget Sound, an M.S. in zoology from Ohio University, and a Ph.D. in science education from Oregon State University. He and his wife Betsy home educated all of their 8 children through their secondary years, they have 15 grandchildren, and they live on a small farm in western Oregon.

See Dr. Ray https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiGmvslmU_8

If you have an interest in or concern about the “outcomes of home education,” think that homeschooling is bad for society (or good for society), or you are a veteran homeschooler who just needs a little morale boost, you won’t want to miss this presentation. Good books and other relevant resources on child training and homeschooling will be available.

National Home Education Research Institute Salem, Oregon     Free research newswww.nheri.org/connect.html

Corey Scott


Thursday, December 9, 2021


5:30 pm - 8:30 pm


The Rock Church

Location 2

4881 Cherokee Dr

Location 3

Castle Rock

Location 4


Location 5


Location 6

United States
QR Code

The event is finished.