Faith Pillar

Faith Pillar Vision: A state where people can serve and worship freely, a right provided to us by God, unrestrained, without fear of government restriction or overshadowing.

FEC United’s Faith pillar is encouraging and equipping the faith community to be bold and strong once again. The spark that ultimately led to the creation of this great nation came from 35 people aboard the Mayflower who wanted to worship and serve God unrestrained. The Faith Pillar can offer remembrance that America was one of the most successful nations in the world because of its founding set firmly on the Bible. That desire continued and is shown in the hearts and documents created by our Founding Fathers and is even printed on our currency, “In God We Trust”. We desperately need this passion back! When one examines the rich history of the United States it becomes obvious of God’s hand in the creation of this nation – we must be good stewards, and authentically demonstrate/model the Church in the United States

Bringing Faith Forward

Faith and courage are critical to pressing into circumstances where potential dangers exist and are required to regain the “unrestrained” environment we once knew. Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and courageous; don’t be terrified or afraid of them. For it is the Lord your God who goes with you; He will not leave you or forsake you.” The Faith Pillar can offer hope and encouragement that the Lord is with us and will set us free to live in a country of peace and freedom. Isaiah 45:13 (NLT) I will raise up Cyrus to fulfill my righteous purpose, and I will guide his actions. He will restore my city and free my captive people— without seeking a reward! I, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, have spoken!” 


Join the FEC United weekly prayer call by emailing [email protected].


We provide weekly devotionals that are rooted in American history for our members!


Take action, become a member, and share the message of courage with your faith community.

Faith Pillar
Position statements

FEC United will address, promote and/or participate in activities intended to improve the quality of life in our community. FEC United’s civic engagement may involve a wide range of political and non-political activities.

FEC United will support our members based on the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.

SCHOOL CHOICE: FEC United will advocate for the constitutional rights of all students no matter which educational option their family has chosen. We will not stand by and allow our students’ voices to be silenced just because they don’t agree with agendas and liberal/leftist motives.

MEDICAL CHOICE: FEC United will advocate for the constitutional rights of individuals to choose medical treatments and procedures. Based on the Nuremberg Code of 1947: If a person freely chooses to participate in an experimental medical treatment, it must be based on “voluntary informed consent,” without corrosion, or threat. The treatment/procedure must be kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, and conform to established medical ethical behavior. Certain basic principles must be observed to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts.

FEC United will strive to protect religious and constitutional freedoms, by engaging in cultural issues by implementing an effective strategy of advocacy and educational programming to inform and support citizen participation. The First Amendment precedent set by the Supreme Court specifically prohibits the government from interfering with and/or abridging the freedom of speech, religious exercise and the right of assembly.

FEC United will support pastors that are willing to stand firm on all Biblical truths by fearing God more than man. Encourage them when they stand for what is right and promote moral, ethical integrity and law-abiding citizenship as defined in the Bible.

Exodus 18:20-21 Teach them the statutes and laws, and show them the way to live and the work they must do. But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.

Romans 1:17 the gospel reveals the righteousness of God that comes by faith from start to finish, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”