Explore Education Pillar

Advocating for the educational rights of all children

Giving Power Back to Parents

All students should have access to a student appropriate education that is free from bias and is appropriate to their needs and in their best interests. All educational options should be available to all students and should provide students with the tools required to be successful, active members of society based on the founding principles and tenets of the US Constitution.

FEC United’s Education Pillar is working to ensure that all students have access to an education that is appropriate for them in an environment that supports and puts the needs of children first. Our children deserve an education that not only meets their individual needs, but also gives them a solid grounding, free from bias and indoctrination. Education should focus on the basics (reading, writing, math, science, history, and civics) that provide the tools they need to be successful adults.

Parental Rights

You can join the FEC United weekly prayer call by emailing [email protected].

Family choice

We are currently working on providing our members with a free faith devotional monthly, or weekly.

Public & Private

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Conservative Educators Network

Because we believe that faith should be welcomed in the public realm – not condemned – any religious educator is welcome to join our Conservative Educators Network, whether you teach at a religious school or a government-funded school. If you’re interested, please email [email protected].Â