It is Critical to Stay Connected - Complete Your Profile Now!

Completing your profile allows us to stay in touch with you. The system of exploitation is rapidly evolving, and we need YOUR HELP!

Make an Impact

All Good People of Colorado, the time is NOW to tell every elected official and candidate that THEY MUST TAKE AN PLEDGE TO THE PEOPLE THEY ARE ELECTED TO SERVE.  The pledge is called the FEC United Candidate Pledge and can be found here: The FEC United Pledge.  We The People of Colorado, under the direction of FEC Colorado, will impose consequences on any elected official or candidate that renege on their pledge.
Consequences include:
  • Recall petitions
  • Running a primary candidate against you
  • Using Social Media to expose your breach
  • Unleashing our army of freedom fighters against you through grassroots activities

TAKE ACTION NOW!  Forward this link to every candidate or sitting elected official and tell them to sign this pledge.  If they sign this pledge, we will put their name in the candidate’s corner under the Save Colorado banner below.  This will serve as a voter guide.  If your candidate or elected official in your jurisdiction is not listed below, it is up to YOU to get them here.  This is YOUR opportunity to do YOUR part as a citizen of Colorado.  ACT NOW!

Make sure to check out the Party Comparison Document provided by My Faith Votes at the button below.


A state where faith, education, and commerce thrive, the government serves the interest of the People, and elected officials truly represent their constituents.

The FEC United Candidate Pledge

I acknowledge that my election constitutes a contract between me and my constituents honoring the oath I will take to the Constitution of the United States and State of Colorado and not special interests. I will go back into my community and listen to my constituents and always vote in their best interest–I work for them. If I break this contract by violating any of the pledges below, I will accept the consequences.

  • I acknowledge that all Americans are granted the rights endowed by the Creator: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness; and that houses of faith, institutions of education, and places of commerce have the right to operate as they deem appropriate to serve their congregants, students, parents, customers, and employees without fear of closure and government overreach. I pledge to support and defend those rights.
  • I acknowledge that the right to freely exercise religion is under attack and that Houses of Worship have lost their voice in policy and politics; that the first amendment guarantees the freedom of speech and assembly, yet the freedom to assemble has been removed and that the ability to speak freely from the pulpit is threatened. I pledge to honor all people of faith by not supporting, sponsoring, and/or voting for policies or legislation that restricts the freedom to worship and assemble or uphold the right of free speech from the pulpit.
  • I acknowledge that parents are a child’s first and foremost educators and have primary responsibility for the education of their children. I pledge to do all within my power to ensure that policies do not infringe upon the rights of parents and guardians to direct their children’s education, medical care, and upbringing; and further, I will fight against the government’s indoctrination through the education of our children.
  • I acknowledge that the government cannot create prosperity, though the government can limit or destroy it through over regulation, weaponizing licensing, and determining essential versus nonessential businesses operations. I pledge to support commerce by promoting self- determination, the right to earn a living, and the protection of private property in all of its forms and to never allow the government to take those rights from business owners by shutting them down.
  • I acknowledge that our healthcare system has been weaponized to be institutions of control and fear. I pledge to support patient, parental and custodial rights in the matters of healthcare and to never support measures that mandate or give the government authority over adult or minor health decisions.
  • I acknowledge that our timeless and immutable liberties are under attack. I pledge to support and honor the original intent of the U.S. and State Constitutions by sponsoring and/or voting for Constitutionally based policies and/or legislation.


If you believe in this pledge, you can download it here: The FEC United Pledge. We encourage you to send this pledge to your candidate. When your candidate takes the FEC United Pledge, we can ensure that they will be held accountable to the standards and expectations set forth.