Any data submitted may be subject to sharing with multiple agencies who are assisting in the disaster or emergency. By signing up as a volunteer, donor of goods/services, business/vendor, or agency you may receive communication from multiple agencies requesting assistance; excluding accommodation hosts. There is no guarantee of goods or services offered, no guarantee of employment, nor a guarantee of quality or quantity of the goods or services detailed on the platform. Marketing of goods or services is not implied as a result of sharing information on the platform and your information will not be sold to a third party. The information shared on the platform may be subject to public disclosure under the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) unless there is a state or federal regulation protecting the data.
I understand these terms and conditions may be updated at any time.
By registering at this site you agree to allow sharing of information with all disaster relief agencies needing volunteers to assist in relief and recovery efforts. This may include both voluntary and government agencies. There are no guarantees you will get assigned as a volunteer.