The Douglas County Federation of Teachers (DCFT) is planning a walkout Thursday February 3.
Monday evening, the 3 minority board members held a zoom meeting accusing the newly elected majority of violating Colorado Sunshine laws and attempting to either fire or coerce the superintendent into resigning. Immediately following that meeting, DCFT President Kevin DiPasquale ([email protected]) admitted that a sick out was already in the works over the changes to the equity policy.
While we still do not know the full story of everything that transpired, we do know that the minority members are in collaboration with the DCFT on the following issues:
1. Equity policy – This policy was passed in 2021 by the previous board and was revised at the January 24 board meeting. It was one of the primary reasons Kids First slate was elected.
2. The need for sunshine laws and due process – It is funny that the current minority is pushing for transparency when in 2020 they quietly let Dr Tucker go amid rumors of misconduct. The minority board members have thrown their hand selected superintendent under the bus by discussing potential personal issues outside of a board meeting.
3. A seat at the table for educators. This is eduspeak for a CBA (collective bargaining agreement). The minority members on the current board were in charge for 4 years, yet there was little or no public discussion of a CBA. Now that they are the minority, a CBA is suddenly at the forefront?
What can you do?
1. Let the current board, Mr DiPasquale and any teachers or administrators that want to be in the classroom know that our students need to be in school. They cannot afford to miss even 1 day.
Let them know that you stand with the newly elected board members and support their decision to change the equity policy.
Send an email to: [email protected] Your email will go to all 7 board directors.
2. Show up at the next board of education meeting: February 8, 2022. Meetings are held at 620 Wilcox Street, Castle Rock 80104. Meetings begin at 5pm.
3. Sign up for public comment, you must sign up by noon the day of the meeting and use this link: